Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Recycling Shoes!

Did you know that shoes are the perfect thing to be recycled? And it isn't difficult at all! Look what I made out of a really worn-down pair:

...well, the shoe on the left is the new one, hope that is obvious... :-)))

This is a great project even for a shoe-making beginner and I will post a how-to video asap on my blog Of Dreams and Seams.
The best thing about it is that you need no special equipment or materials. This is all I used:

You can find some pictures of the process on my Blog, but as I said, I will make a tutorial soon. I just couldn't wait sharing this with you... ;-)

All the best to you,


  1. So cool!!! I wanna be like you :) Gotta follow your example and fix my own pair of 'well loved' (trashed) shoes ;)

  2. Thank you Andrea! And yes, go for it - it's so much fun to do, and not even that much work!

  3. Oh wow, I've never thought of re-fashioning shoes! The most I've ever done is change the laces!

    Also, I've got my first ever Etsy discount code on the go, have a gander!

  4. I am so impressed! I've glued/sewn stuff on shoes before and cut some of the fabric away them more sandal-y, but I've never had the guts to completely disassemble a pair and rebuild them. That's incredible!


  5. Really impressive refashion. I have painted a few shoes, glued stuff on and even paper mached shoes, but i haven't ever been brave enough to cut them up.

    Cindy - EOD
    Ucycled Design Lab

  6. so excited to see how you did this!


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